Come sing with us!
If you are interested in singing, we would love you to join us!
Membership is open to anyone who can sing in tune. Being able to read music and previous choral experience are an advantage, but not essential.
No formal audition is required although new members may be required to undergo a short voice placement analysis with the Music Director.
Chordiality has a 'try before you join' scheme where you may attend up to three rehearsals before deciding whether Chordiality is what you are looking for.
It is best if you contact us to let us know that you are intending to come to a rehearsal so that someone can look out for you. Contact us through the Contact Us page or by emailing
Friends of Chordiality
Fans, friends and other interested members of the public can join 'Friends of Chordiality' for free. Members of this list receive advance notice of upcoming events and Chordiality enews from time to time.
Chordiality is self-funding - we do not receive any grants or financial support. There are regular costs in running the choir including the services of professional musicians to direct and accompany the choir, hire of the rehearsal space and purchase or hire of music.
Annual membership fee: $tbc
Members can pay this in two equal instalments in February and July
Ph: 0407 963 797